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April 25, 2013


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That's a very sweet story about the dad who draws on his kids lunch bags. What a cool dad. His drawings are cute!

Your sweet pea is a little beauty. I'm guessing you'll have to chase boys away when the time comes.


Another fabulous Really Random Mama Pea! I LOVED the sandwich bag dad -- what a great thing to do for your kids. Now I want a do-over. If only we'd had pinterest and flickr back then. Love all the cute pics of Sweet Pea -- and with her Dad too -- how fun. And thanks for the recipe -- it looks wonderful!


Lovely randomness! I agree, it is a bit scary that Sweet Pea had everything in her closet to pull off such a great 80s outfit. She has a great sense of style.


You are so funny! "I hope the 1980's hairstyles never return...or the clothing, for that matter. But the fact that Sweet Pea had everything she needed in her closet kind of scared me." Hah! :)


Enjoyed this post. Thanks for the links to the sweets! The picture of Sweet Pea and PaPa Pea is adorable. Also, I too left a wreath up one year and a bird built a nest in it. I took pictures of the little ones. They were so much fun to watch.


Sweet Pea could not be any cuter. This was a super post. I HOPE you are having a lovely Thursday.


Love the Sumo wrestlers! and that floss is gorgeous!
Have fun
jan @ sewandsowfarm


Love your post. Never heard of craftfail. OMG I clicked to it and then came back to read your blog- I really like "don't drink and craft" http://craftfail.com/2011/06/barbie-sez-dont-drink-and-craft/


Great randomness! Your daughter is so pretty....and I also hope that the kitty comes home!

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