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April 18, 2013


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You have sheep in your post!!!! You are awesome!!! What fun randomness! And you are braver than me---no snake handling for me or my girls!!!!eeeeek!! Hugs!!

Maggie Szafranski

Snakes, cats, sheep, and dogs! It's a real menagerie! We had some of those size Ball jars back home on the farm.


I hate snakes. I hope I never see one at your house!

When we plan a WI trip, I will have to put Nancy's Notions on my list of places to stop!

WOOT WOOT to the end of the semester!!!


It's storming here, too. I wish it would stop. I wish the rain would space itself out, because I know we'll be needing it later. Tell Sweet Pea I like her Spidey and the Snakes story . . .


You Thursday posts are my favorite.


LOVE E's story, but I'm glad our yard isn't like your's--really hate snakes. The only good thing about them is that they eat rodents. Which I also loathe.


Oh, no, I hate snakes. Even hate seeing pictures. But the cute on of Sweet Pea and Spidy made it all better. Looks like you've been having a great time!


Like Caroll, above, I hate snakes! Sometimes I get one in my garden pond and that is the worst because I'm afraid to piddle around the pond much! I'm kind of surprised yours are awake with it still being cold! I"m glad to hear that your semester is almost at end!


Yes, I hate snakes too. And that one looked kinda long. Aah, quickly, scroll down!

Love those blue mason jars, which you don't see too often. Great find.


Yikes! Snakes! Never had been one to catch them-we always had cottonmouths and copperheads in our yard. See snake-grab shovel! Now we have rattlers in this neighborhood!


Snakes...no thank you! But those blue canning jars...love them! I now have 6...and 3 were my grandmothers...I never tire of finding them!!!

Jackie W.

Your other friend Jackie sure seems to see alot more of you than I do=)
I don't like snakes! but I do like your gloves. I won't write on every single post, the way 'some' people do=)
I made earrings for Amanda, cause I am a suck up. They are on my blog.


Another great random round-up! I LOVE the shawl pattern and yarn -- looking forward to seeing that knit up. Loved SweetPea's story about the snake -- did NOT love the snakes however. Must put Warning: Snake Ahead label on blog posts LOL! (LOVED those pin and tape measure fabrics too!)

Linda in Calif.

I bet those jars come in handy. I would love to visit Nancy's store. Maybe some day.

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