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February 13, 2013


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That is another really sweet idea!!!


How darling! You are such a good mother! Thanks for the link! I'm on my way there.


Thanks so much, Stephanie!! I sooo miss my boys being little and getting to enjoy all this stuff!! I think these would make fun little gifts for any time of year. I may have to try one out!


Such cute thank yous. I bet who ever gets one will have a smile on their face.


Those are really cute Stephanie! I can't wait to see all the party details -- I hope you're having fun. Happy Valentine's Day!

Amy DeCesare

Awesome! Thanks so much for the free pattern link - I had missed seeing this one somehow!


Nice! I want to work with or for you because you give out great goodies!


Jay says you are making him feel inadquate with his supply of paper plates and napkins! But we both agree they are super cute! You are so creative and giving!

Sandy (aka Stitches)

I have tried 6 or 7 times to download this .pdf for the envelope but I only get a blank page. Has anyone else had a problem? It's something I think a person could use for lots of celebrations..

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