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August 07, 2012


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Linda in Calif.

Oh so pretty! Totally awesome! So glad you told us to go check out her blog. And I do like the little "One Big Cabin" quilt too.


Thanks, Steph! What a great feature and sweet sentiments...


Well that quilt looks good enough to eat! I just pulled some of those great veggies out of my garden!


The Diet Quilt - what a funny name! Love it! The border is very cleverly done.


Beautiful quilt. You are right, you have to see the entire quilt. I love their new pattern too. My favorite though is One Big Cabin. So cute!

maggie robinson

all I can say is WOW
Now off to see the patterns
Thanks for sharing Stephanie..


I really like the One Big Cabin pattern - thanks for sharing Doris' site. I like it when you can download patterns - I'm into that immediate gratification :)


I forgot to mention how much I love your new header. So cute!

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