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July 10, 2012


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Gwen Windham

So happy!!! Thank you, thank you!! This really made my day! Enjoy your retreat! Looking forward to hearing all about it! :-)


WHAT??? I was 46 in Jana's drawing -- I think you guys are mixed up!!! (Well, ok, I might have been 48 but I think it was 46.) Are you SURE you haven't made some sort of mistake??? I'll wait while you re-check. ;-D

(FINE. Congrats to Gwen!)


Hey Mama Pea -- there's something wrong with the link for your Gruber's post. It can be seen on your main page, but any attempts to go directly to that post or to comment result in a page not found. Thought you'd like to know -- I WANT to comment! ;-D


I'm commenting here because, for some reason, the comment link on the Retreat page doesn't work?!? First, let me say, that blogging does take a while doesn't it? Especially if you're adding several pictures so don't feel bad getting behind - sometimes it's best to just start from today and move forward. Next, I saw a "Go Baby" in your pile of stuff to take to the retreat - how do you like it? Been looking at the "Go" but not sure if it's worth the investment. Third, your quilt is looking great - I really like the colors AND I really like the block. Fourth - congrats to Gwen. And, finally, stay cool - thank goodness we live in an era with air conditioning!

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