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March 11, 2012


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So many great things to look at - I love the 'feel' of this store! I think I'd be spending a lot of time visiting there if it were close by. I know your week went by too fast but summer is coming . . .


I agree with Deb - so many great things and places to look at. I love the style of that old bank bldg and all things Victorian also. One area you and I differ is in the little knick-knacky displays - you see cutesy and I see clutter!I like that $45 quilt - too bad it was so stained.


These places looks awesome to vist!!! Filled with charm!!!

Linda in Calif.

Wow. What a trip you just took us on. I sure enjoyed your post.


Quilt shop...then lunch...sounds good to me! I've loved your posts on your retreat and shopping! Glad you were able to do it!

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