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November 08, 2011


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Oh you enjoy yourself in Spain! That just sounds wonderful. You lucky gal :)


I can't believe you! You sure do get around. That sounds like so much fun. You are one lucky gal! Have a great time and looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back!

Weekend Cowgirl

Pin cushions = adorable
Spain = Jealous (have a great time!)


Enjoy Spain! I have wanted to go there for a long time and even took up Spanish so I'll be prepared when I finally do. No advice for side trips but please try all the tapas, eat chocolate and churros for breakfast and tell us all about it when you get back. :-)


Oh what fun! I've always wanted to go to Spain. My parents have been several times. They have friends who live in Madrid. Be careful who you ask about fabric/quilt shops. My mom asked someone on the street if they knew anything about a quilt shop in the area and got a strange look with a NO. She later found out that they way she was phrasing her question meant locally that she was asking about a prostitution house! LOL

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