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September 21, 2011


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I found that book on Sue's website. Here is the link


It is listed under "notions" which might be why you couldn't find it. I've already added it to my wish list!


Man oh man, this post makes me wonder what the hell I do with all the time in my day! Maybe Kathy has a deal with the Almighty and she gets a few more hours per day?!

Linda in Calif.

I always think of the movie Beetlejuice when I see Sue Spargo's work - it reminds me of the sculptures that woman did that was being haunted. I really like the cityscape with the city maps - I think that is so cool. And what a great swap - the penants are!

Aunt Pea

LOVE all those colors, especially the brilliant purples and pinks in Kathy's piece!

Maggie Szafranski

Such lovely projects! So jealous that you have an art quilt group!

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