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September 03, 2011


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What a great sister you have!


Cool! I just added the widget to my blog. It was very easy to do and took less than a minute!


Oh this looks like so much fun!! I just think it is more than I can add to my plate right now. Just love all that you think through!


I love your new blog design!


Thanks for the shameless plug on my behalf Mama Pea! Your love and praise go a loooonnngg way!

But my invoice is in the mail ;-)


Linda in Calif.

Kristin, You did a great job on this button. Thanks so much!! And the blog post explaining it. I have spread your name around already - but the people are not quite ready for you yet. However, when they are, we know where to find you!!!

Aunt Pea

Thanks Linda. I'm still getting myself ready too, so we can all grow in this together!

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