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June 17, 2011


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Love your project and of course all the great photos!
Hey, just have to say - love you too and the great team we are apart of!
Enjoy the day - sounds like loads of fun!


Your project is so cute! And I would LOVE to see the John Wayne stuff -- My Cowboy and I are super John Wayne fans . . .


That is just the cutest thing Stephanie, I LOVE it! I can't wait to make one! Enjoy the studios, I adore John Wayne movies - used to go to them with my grandpa!


Love it a million times over!


Adorable idea and Sweet Pea does a great job with the demos!
I love the name "Sugar and Spice".

Maggie Szafranski

You are making me regret not going there when we visited Tucson 2 years ago!


This looks great! We have several trays which are looking very sorry for themselves, perhaps some cute fabric will be just what they need!

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