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March 31, 2011


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Seeee I told you it would be a grand place!!!! I wish I would have known you were driving, but oh well!! The quilt you thought was Kate Spain's was actually Fruitcake by Basicgrey. The owner of this shop and Jo Morton are fast friends, fyi. I am so glad that it was a fun way to end your trip!!!


Awesome! Your Tute will be amazing!


I love your blue bird. Is that the same fabric you sent me? See the classroom picture? I want the one that is second from the window-to the right. (you know, just in case you go back that way!) And I like the last fabric that you bought-that almost looks like thistles in our marsh-a nice, breezy summer day.
p.s. when I said I wanted a store, that first picture is what I meant-you just say "wow".


Oh how I have wanted to visit the Quilted Moose, but it's not every day I'm near Omaha!

Thank you so much for that tour, though. It was like being there and I didn't have to spend any money :D :D

I love your UFO. Love, love the bird. I am a huge fan of birds:)


We just got that book at the shop and I love it!!!! How cool that you got to visit that shop. It looks amazing. Oh and all those charm packs...heavenly!!

Birdie and leaves look so pretty!!


Yay for a UFO project ready for quilting!

That looks like a really great shop. Glad you got to stop.

Caroll D

Looks like a great shop. I love going to new shops. Maybe some day I'll get there. Love your UFO. That little bird is so cute. Looking forward to your tutorial. I remember how nervous I was with my first one. I know you'll do great!


Can't wait for your tutorial! Your applique to gorgeous too.
I would love to go to the quilt shop! I could spend all day in there and just look :)

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Your applique is very nice, Stephanie. Thanks for sharing your quilt shop visits. They look like really good ones.


What beautiful applique work, the fabric is perfect for such a sweet bird. What an awesome name for a quilt shop!!! I love Moose and Fabric, I think I need to move there.
Thanks for talking about the center you went to visit on here. I'm working on my bachelors degree slowly but surely and have been thinking for quite a while about my masters (I tend to jump ahead of myself like that) Anyway I have wanted to work with autistic kids for a long time, but recently thought maybe I wouldn't and kind of stopped trying as hard in my classes because I was lost. Then my friend was talking to me about the new program she works for with autistic teenage girls and then I saw this and I can't help but feel like it's a push to do better so I can get there. Sorry I wrote a novel, but thank you so much.


Even a little bit of applique is definite progress! Sounds like you had a good trip and definitely a good stop at the quilt store! I love finding quilt shops on my travels but never know whether to buy something or not as our LQS has a card punch for everything bought there. Just the thrill of drooling over fabric at a new place is good though. :)

Julie in WA

Nice, neat applique work! Thanks for the tour of the shop. I will be back to see the book on Saturday!

Rosemary Dempster

Oh my!! Imagine visiting a shop like that!! I don't think I would be able to choose any material - too overwhelming!! Your applique is lovely.


Your quilt is so pretty. I'd like to do some applique but I never have!

That quilt store is pretty amazing! Wow, it would be hard to have someone waiting in the car!

Carolyn Woodard

I LOVED this shop when I visited, and will DEFINITELY be going back, however the day that I went, I had my 5 year old granddaughter with me, and she was into EVERYTHING so I didn't get to look as much as I wanted . . .

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