« Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilter's Guild March Meeting Part 1-George Siciliano (photo heavy) | Main | Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilter's Guild March Meeting Part 3-Hand Dyed Fabrics (photo heavy) »

March 20, 2011


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That is interesting how well the dull one photographed. It looks so much richer. And I don't remember the last one- it's amazing.

I did take the workshop and I LOVED it. George and Ginny have been married for 47 years, and I loved how they interacted! George is quite the joker, and Ginny is his straight man. They are both there to help, so we were well taken care of. George also gave us a lot of tips, to make the process easier.

I have almost finished two blocks. The pieces are sewn on foundation paper (so no removing the tiny pieces of paper later!!). It will take time to make my 16 blocks, but I actually find it extremely meditating. George teaches you how to be well organized, so it is stress free. Seams are finger pressed; I just set up a cutting station next to my machine, so I can just sit and sew away!

I would recommend George for any guild. He and his wife are a delight and you will be amazed with his work.


Wow! You are wonderful to share with the rest of us. I haven't been apart of a guild for a long while. So this was fun to see! Thanks!


I'm just so impressed with these! Especially that purple and green one, it does look 3-dimensional. Honestly there just aren't enough good words for these quilts!

And yes I was appalled that that woman thought $10 was a good price....EGADS!!!!!


Amazing quilts!!! They are just spectacular. It's hard to pick a favorite but I love the purple and green.
That was a great guild meeting. I can't wait to see more!

Maggie Szafranski

I am going to check out his website today!

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