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March 19, 2011


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Amazing! Wish I could have seen those in person. Thanks for sharing!


Wow. Those are some amazing quilts. At first looking at them, you don't realize they're log cabin. It amazes me how some people are just so artistic!


I have been a fan of George Siciliano quilts for a couple of years now and, like you, I'm just going to have to make one. . . one of these days. . . I really like the one you selected. Someday I'm hoping to be close enough to one of his classes to attend! Looking forward to the rest of the pictures.


WOW! I would never have the patience nor dexterity for those but I love them! I do not see anything Log Cabin about them but what I do see is one of my favorite things in life - kaleidoscopes! The picture under your 'Christmas' one reminds me of Geisha fans.


Beautiful quilts; glad you took those photos. The gradations of the fabrics are gorgeous. It would have been hard to leave there without a couple of packs of those.


Stephanie, the pattern you purchased is the one we did in his work shop! I am presently working on it and loving it! When you get ready to work on yours, give me a call and I will give you a mini workshop!!!


OMG!! Now those would get me back into quilting! And I love that they are so small. Are they paper pieced? They would have to be, I would think. What fun! They are gorgeous!


Holy crap. I think my favorite is the one you bought the pattern for....wow those are tiny.


Wow!! Amazing!

Maggie Szafranski

WOW! I am going to have to check him out further! This is definitely my style!

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