Shelly over at Prairie Moon Quilts posted our third and final task for the 2010 Final Countdown yesterday, and I did work on it yesterday. But I have been so busy today, I just haven't had a chance to make a post about it!
Here is her post, if you'd like to read it in detail:
Our third task fit right in with what I had started on yesterday! Yippee! She challenged us to deal with our scrap (SCRAP, not crap!).
She uses Bonnie Hunter's Scrap User System, which I've also been trying to get started on for over a year. Bonnie recommends that when you finish a project, you should cut up your leftover scraps immediately into useable strips, squares, and rectangles. (Click on Bonnie's link above for specific information.) I have started doing this with my scraps this December. But I haven't been able to get started on my big box of scraps, because I couldn't get my drawers labeled. Without a place to put my strips, I was having trouble being motivated to cut them up. When I got my drawers labeled yesterday (and cleaned out), I really felt like I could move forward on this. And then, Shelly's task for us was to deal with our scraps. Perfect!
Shelly posted a pitiful little pile of scraps that she has to deal with. (Click on her link for the third task at the top of this post to see her sorry little pile of scraps.) Shelly, you've got nuthin' on me. Check out my scrap "basket."
This is one of those big, giant tubs. This is about 5 years worth of scraps. It feels really overwhelming. But, I did start on it last night. I cut scraps for about 45 minutes, I think. I am cutting them as wide as 3.5". I start by cutting the widest one I can and then cut smaller and smaller as need be. Then, I sort them into my drawers for 1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", or 3.5". I am not cutting squares and "bricks" as Bonnie calls them. That would just take me too long. I am just cutting strips, and then I can "brick" them as I need them. Works for me.
Here's what it looked like after 45 minutes of cutting. Not much of a dent. Hardly noticeable, but I did make some headway. I didn't even get all done cutting the scraps from Sweet Pea's Eureka! quilt! Sigh. Really, I'm going to have to (a) cut up my scraps immediately after finishing a project so it doesn't feel so overwhelming again, and (b) have a strategy like--cut scraps for 15 minutes each time I sit down to sew--or something in order to really get this bin dealt with.
But I'm glad to make progress. I really want to make a quilt with scraps, and I have to get my scraps in order to do it. I was struck by a comment Bonnie made on her post...Consider that fabric costs about $10 per yard. Think of how many yards of scraps are in this bin. Those scraps are still worth $10 per yard! They are just cut in smaller pieces. When I think of how much money's worth of fabric is in this bin, it does motivate me to cut them up and use them for a quilt (or quiltS, hopefully).
By the way, Bonnie has a ton of free patterns on her website that are great for using up scraps.
I have been having a great weekend. I'll tell you all about it in another post. I went shopping at a great sale today, met a blogger friend (Hi Caroll!), and Papa Pea had a surprise for me when I came home. And yesterday, I finished all the blocks for Super Mario and laid them out. Hope I get them sewn together in rows. More on all that later!
Anyway, thanks to Shelly for hosting this little 2010 Final Countdown. It was small enough to not feel overwhelming to me so that I could actually participate and get things done. All of the things she had me do were things I needed to do anyway, so it really gave me the "boot in the patoot" (Shelly's words!) to get 'er done. Thanks a million, Shelly! I wish I was as clever as you are! Kudos to you!
Until next time,
Mama Pea
Wow! Now THAT's a box of scrap! Truthfully, I did not show you all of mine in my own post. I just showed you the most innocent-looking basket. I have a few more bags that need dealing with, but like you, I'm going to try to devote 15 minutes every so often to dealing with them so that maybe I can get it caught up and keep it that way.
Posted by: Shelly | January 01, 2011 at 07:48 PM
Oh Stephanie, I have at least as much scrap as you do! I've decided not to go back cut up scrap from my bag, unless I'm in the mood to cut. I'm just starting with the "from now on" idea and will cut up leftovers of projects from now on. You are brave to tackle such a large tub, but 15 minutes of cutting every time you sew sounds like an excellent strategy.
Posted by: Lynn | January 01, 2011 at 10:36 PM
Oh I don't know about cutting all that fabric up. Looks like such a job. Hehehe. But it you do, I think it will be worth it. I'm being lazy - no sewing at all til I go back to work and the daily routine of things.
Posted by: Linda in Calif. | January 02, 2011 at 12:20 AM
I like the idea of separating by 1" -1.5", etc. See the purple in the cut-up pile and the purple/green right under it? Hmmm.
I have a great idea for cutting your scraps. Take them to Linda's quilt quild. You would be doing hand work anyway and it wouldn't matter if you screwed up a piece while yakking.
Posted by: sisLH | January 02, 2011 at 10:45 AM
I wish to implement Bonnie's scrap method too, but I don't have bins yet set aside for it. When I do though, think I'll do as you mentioned, just doing strips for now. Great idea! And doing them 15 minutes at a time is a great way. I tackle things every day this way. Just put a timer on and do what you can. Think you'll be amazed at what you get done. Good luck!
Posted by: Karen | January 05, 2011 at 11:57 AM