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January 01, 2011


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Wow! Now THAT's a box of scrap! Truthfully, I did not show you all of mine in my own post. I just showed you the most innocent-looking basket. I have a few more bags that need dealing with, but like you, I'm going to try to devote 15 minutes every so often to dealing with them so that maybe I can get it caught up and keep it that way.


Oh Stephanie, I have at least as much scrap as you do! I've decided not to go back cut up scrap from my bag, unless I'm in the mood to cut. I'm just starting with the "from now on" idea and will cut up leftovers of projects from now on. You are brave to tackle such a large tub, but 15 minutes of cutting every time you sew sounds like an excellent strategy.

Linda in Calif.

Oh I don't know about cutting all that fabric up. Looks like such a job. Hehehe. But it you do, I think it will be worth it. I'm being lazy - no sewing at all til I go back to work and the daily routine of things.


I like the idea of separating by 1" -1.5", etc. See the purple in the cut-up pile and the purple/green right under it? Hmmm.
I have a great idea for cutting your scraps. Take them to Linda's quilt quild. You would be doing hand work anyway and it wouldn't matter if you screwed up a piece while yakking.


I wish to implement Bonnie's scrap method too, but I don't have bins yet set aside for it. When I do though, think I'll do as you mentioned, just doing strips for now. Great idea! And doing them 15 minutes at a time is a great way. I tackle things every day this way. Just put a timer on and do what you can. Think you'll be amazed at what you get done. Good luck!

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