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October 20, 2010


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Hope Swt P takes it up. People think mom taught me to sew but do you know that when I was young, I never even knew mom sewed. I never saw her do it. I never even saw a machine in the house. And now look what she does! Every child should learn something. I didn't have time when mine were little but have more as a grandma. Good for you if you can keep it up and Papa teach her a 'mechanical' skill.

Little Bits and Pieces

The blocks are turning out great. My daughter used to sew - I just let her go for it, but I think she was a bit older. And let her have the thread on the paper. It makes it so much more fun to pick the color and see the threading catching and making the design.

Caroll D

Your blocks are stunning. I hope your daughter takes up quilting as she grows older. I always hoped my daughter would, as I've always been a sewer, but sadly she does not like it.


I LOVE your blocks! That is one of my favorite patterns, very simple to make and the fabric does all the work. Can't wait to see more.

Love to see Sweet Pea sewing! She should make a small quilt for her kittens new house. Every house needs a quilt!


I just love, love, love the colors!

Maggie Szafranski

Beautiful bright colors! I hope Sweet Pea does take up sewing and quilting!


good job mama. :) Sometimes my little guy likes to sit on my lap too.

I love making these blocks... they go together so quickly!


I love the blocks! Sweet Pea is doing a wonderful job helping you with the sewing. This is a wonderful project.

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