Hello Everyone,
Well, are you ready for a lot of kitchen photos that are just going to make you tired? This kitchen is exhausting us, but it's gotta be done!
Here's a reminder of how we started:
Does this kitchen scream 1908's, or what?! Love that harvest gold look! Oh, yes, and don't forget the geese! (below) There is something we like about this light fixture (above). It's sort of cute in a retro way. Reminds me of something from my Grandma's house.
And that satellite dish...whoa. I hope we'll have time soon to get rid of it! I do love the sliding doors. It is so peaceful sitting out on that deck in the evenings having a beer and relaxing after our hard work!
Sorry this one's blurry. It's the only shot I have from this angle. I do like the large eating area and the counter you can sit at.
Okay....First step, strip this God-awful wallpaper. I asked Papa Pea to take down the chair rail first. Check out the difference in color of the wallpaper under the chair rail!
Wow. It's not faded...it's darkened with smoke.
I started stripping it off, and look at how the smoke penetrated the paper and got on the wall:
So, I stripped all of this, and I asked Papa Pea to pull up the linoleum. Here it is:
The black stuff here on the floor is the glue that was holding the linoleum down.
Fortunately for us, the glue stopped partway into the eating area. The rest of the linoleum was not even glued down! Of course, the glue just stank, however. In the eating area, we noticed the floor was marked in a grid about every 1 foot. If you look closely, you can see there are nails about every foot or less. We realized someone had prepared this floor for tiling at one point but most have decided not to tile it after all. Papa Pea said this overlayment would need to come off. See below for more on that...
So, Papa Pea primed the walls and ceiling. We decided we would do these walls and ceiling twice, just like the master bedroom, because it appeared a LOT of smoking went on in here, too. Then, Papa Pea got to work pulling up that overlayment. You can see it more here, where the floor is marked off in a grid and nails everywhere...
The overlayment came up in small pieces, as you can see here. Then, he had to go back over and take out all the nails, one by one. It took about 8 hours for him to get all this up. It was under the glued down area, too. But look how nice the floor was under that. Nice. Papa Pea also took off the baseboard heater after the floor was up.
We decided we'd prime the floor here, too, because the smoke was pretty bad. I think we'll do this throughout the house. I thought the cabinets were in pretty good shape, but as I tried to clean them, I learned differently. The more grime I cleaned off them, the worse the finish looked. So, we decided we're going to paint the cabinets, too. (Eventually, we are going to tear out this entire kitchen and put in a new kitchen. So, we're just doing a temporary fix here for a couple of years until we get new cabinets, countertops, floors, appliances, etc.) Sooooo...off came the cabinet doors and out came the shelves:
After a light sanding and a good washing, we got to spend the day priming the cabinets, too. Here's how it looked by the end of yesterday:
We forgot to prime the window trim. Oops. It looks like a can of Kilz threw up in here.
Whew! That. Was. So. Much. Work. I. Was. Soooooo. Tired.
That's a bright kitchen! The walls and ceiling have all been primed twice. We will do another coat of primer on the cabinets, then paint them. Hopefully it will only take one coat of paint. Cross your fingers for us! We'll go with the same white we're doing the trim with. Then, these walls will get a coat of a real buttery yellow. I'm going to do red accents in the kitchen (my microwave is red, maybe a red wall clock, red decorations...). I think it will be cute.
I'll worry about the cupboard doors later. We can keep stuff in the open shelves for a while as we paint those doors.
We debated on leaving the floor plywood and just painting it to live with for a few years. Another blogger I know did this with smashing success in her sewing room. (Check out Shelly's sewing room at Prairie Moon Quilts. She sent me a link to her painted floor, and I was duly impressed! I apologize that I cannot find the link she sent me at this moment. If you want to see it, I'm sure if you visited her blog and asked her, she'd show it to you. She painted it and put something like 4 coats of urethane on it, and it really looked good!) Then, we thought maybe we'd put some new linoleum down until we can afford the hard wood we want. When we went to price linoleum, we found that Pergo was actually cheaper. So, we are thinking we will lay down some Pergo for a couple of years. We won't glue it down so we can pull it up easily and possibly reuse it in my sewing room later. Don't know. It will cost about $500 to do it...not chump change, but it would give a nicely finished floor for not too much money. I'd feel good about Sweet Pea walking on that in bare feet for a couple of years...
You barely smell smoke in this room or in the house anymore. You can still smell it by the outlets and switches. Papa Pea is going to change all those out. He likes doing that.
Tomorrow, I'll show you some of the mechanical additions we're doing...inside and out!
Still tired and achy!
Until next time,
Mama Pea