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June 17, 2010


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Really cool! I love family pieces too. I think antiques look so nice with modern fabrics. This piece could be really uptown with a good wash (or refinished) and some funky modern prints.

All those turned spindles are fabulous, but what a pain they will be to refinish!

Maggie Szafranski

You can't beat the quality of old furniture! It has stood the test of time! And that is a great looking piece!

G. Marshall

I have an almost identical trundle/daybed as the one pictured above. It has square nails and the trundle is in excellent condition. Do you know any more about this piece or the value of this?


Hello, I appreciate your story. I just bought the same daybed. I don't think it has the original mattress. It doesn't fold. When I pull out the trundle rail it isn't the same width as the main bed. Do you have photos of the bed unfolded?

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